Once we leave the realm of classes and studying that comes along with attending school, it can be hard to stay on top of our mental game, especially with how busy our lives tend to be every day with work, kids, home, pets, etc. Mental health should, however, be top of our list of priorities.

People with good mental health have healthier relationships, make better life choices, can better handle the ups and downs of life and are better able to maintain even physical health and well-being.

So, how can we go about boosting our own personal brainpower when we don’t have hours to dedicate to the process every day? Some of these suggestions should help.

1. Eat Right: Yes, we’re all trying to eat right in our everyday lives for better overall health, sure — but did you know that eating certain foods can actually help boost your brainpower, as well?

For example, omega-3 fatty acids (like those found in fish like salmon, tuna and halibut, as well as in walnuts, flaxseed oil, spinach, broccoli and soybeans) have been shown to be particularly beneficial for brain health. Research also shows that diets high in saturated fat can increase a person’s risk for dementia and even impair concentration and memory.

On the other hand, fruits and vegetables are packed with helpful antioxidants that protect brain cells from damage, and even a little red wine here and there (about one glass a day for women or two for men) could help improve memory and cognition. So drink up!

2. Take up Weightlifting: Some studies have shown that lifting weights could increase the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (or BDNF), which controls the growth of nerve cells and in turn helps boost cognitive functioning.

3. Do Something New Every Day: Attempting new things not only forces us outside of our comfort zones, but it actually helps stimulate your brain in a way that creates new neural pathways and really, truly can increase your intelligence. It doesn’t take much, either — try taking a new route to work, head into that music store you pass every day and pick up an instrument to test, or listen to a different type of music. Have fun with it!

4. Involve Your Senses: To help enhance your memory and learning skills, try involving as many of your senses as possible when you’re confronted with something new. Remember the way the flowers smelled around you when you heard that new acquaintances name.

Think about the noises you hear around you when you’re at the museum reading that plaque about ancient Egypt. You’d be surprised how much easier it is to remember things when you involve your whole body in the process.

5. Go Ahead and Doodle: Forget a clean sheet of paper — research shows that drawing during a cognitive task improves memory by keeping the brain stimulated.

6. Do Things the Old-Fashioned Way: Ditch the devices (like calculators and your GPS) and attempt to problem-solve by using your — imagine this — brain! This will help flex those brain muscles and you’ll feel pretty darn good about yourself afterwards.

7. Laugh It Up: We know laughing feels great, but there’s actually a scientific reason to laugh more in your life, as well. Studies show that laughing encourages people to think more creatively, so go ahead and make that joke. Your brain will thank you.

You don’t need books or a study group to help grow your knowledge base and boost your brainpower. With just a little extra thought each day, you can do that on your own in a myriad of interesting (and fun!) ways. So go ahead — get boosting!