go Vibrant is dedicated to making an active, energetic lifestyle irresistible by linking City communities through a series of easy, affordable and vibrant routes that encourage walkability. Neighborhood-specific walking routes and signs are designed to showcase the best of what each neighborhood has to offer.  go Vibrant has experienced success in several communities in the City, including downtown and Mt. Adams among others.

Walkable Neighborhoods are fun, lively, and memorable. They’re the kinds of places where you might bump into a new friend, stumble across creative inspiration, find a tasty new restaurant or unique storefront, or meet the love of your life.

Walkability also offers benefits to our:

Health: Walking is one of the best ways to start exercising – no training or special equipment is needed.
Environment: Your feet are zero-pollution transportation machines.
Value: Property values increase in walkable neighborhoods, and local businesses and hidden gems are discovered.
Communities: Studies show that we can increase time spent in community activities by 10% for every 10 minutes less a person spends in a daily car commute.

With our commitment and the local area to make active, energetic lifestyles irresistible, we can cost-effectively turn a neighborhood into a vibrant walking community!