our manifesto
For a life defined by what we can do, not what we can’t do.
For laughter, discovery and growth; for the activities that enrich our lives; and for the moments that empower our community.
Our health is not defined by a weight, a difficulty level, an income, a race or an age;
It’s defined by every experience that life offers us:
dancing with friends
biking to work
skipping on a whim
taking a walk with a colleague or loved one
savoring the taste of fresh food or a just-picked fruit.
All help us to connect – with our friends, our family and our city so that we may lift each other up and be uplifted.
We believe healthy living is accessible to all.
We believe that we have the ability to shape our city’s healthy future.
Nothing will hold us back – no barrier is too difficult for us to overcome;
And we vow to take small steps every day toward living a Vibrant healthier life.