Here’s a little something fun I’ve added to recent fitness routines — working out with pumpkins!

I’m still sore!

To start, you will want two medium to large pumpkins spaced several yards apart. Exercise descriptions follow the workout description below.

*As with any workout or exercise program, please consult your doctor before making any major lifestyle changes.

Move Your Pumpkin Workout

Repeat five times for a 20-minute workout.

Set 1

  • 30 seconds Forward Squat Jumps
  • 30 seconds Mountain Climbers
  • 30 seconds Lateral Hit the Pumpkin
  • 30 seconds Rest

Set 2

  • 30 seconds Crab Walks
  • 30 seconds Pumpkin Burpees
  • 30 seconds Double Leg Extensions
  • 30 seconds Rest

Exercise Descriptions

Forward squat jump:
Face the pumpkin you are travelling towards and start by tilting your hips backwards to lower yourself into a squat position. Power from the bottom of your squat and jump forwards by pulling your hips through the range of motion. Land softly in a squat position and repeat until your time runs out.

Pumpkin mountain climber:
Place your hands on the pumpkin or on the ground. Keep your hips down and your shoulders over wrists while pulling one knee forward at a time. Your goal is to get the knee past your hip line and into your chest without rounding your back.

Lateral hit the pumpkin:
Start by facing one pumpkin. Rotate to a side lunge while touching the pumpkin with the same hand as leg that is back. Jump from the bottom of your lunge, switch feet, and land on the opposite side in a lunge. Repeat until your time expires. For a lower impact option, remove the jump and step to the other side.

Crab walks:
Start by sitting on the ground with your hands behind your hips. Lift your hips into a bridge and walk to the opposite pumpkin. The goal is to keep your hips lifted, glutes engaged and feet moving!

Pumpkin burpees:
Face your pumpkin with your feet spread apart wider than your hips. Tilt your hips back into a squat and place your hands on the pumpkin. Hop your feet out to a plank and then back to your squat. Add a jump to finish or repeat without a jump for a lower impact option.

Double leg extension:
Lay flat on your back with the pumpkin over your chest and your knees at a 90-degree angle to your hips. Simultaneously move your legs and arms in opposing directions by extending your legs and moving your pumpkin with straight arms over your head. Return to original position and repeat for the remainder of time.